Student Technology Compatibility Questions

Please complete this form using the same device and in the same room that you intend to access the sessions from. Please do not complete this form using a different device or in a different location, as we will be unable to assist if you have technology issues. You must use either a laptop/computer to access the classes. Tablets/iPads will not work.

    * Required Fields

    Student Details

    First Name*


    Device Details

    Is your laptop/computer Apple or Windows?*

    Does the device have a webcam?*

    Does your laptop/computer have any viruses?*

    Are you using a personal or a work device?*

    Do you know how to connect to your WiFi?*

    For the online classes, will you be at home or at work?*

    Note: Some workplaces have firewalls which block the classroom, please contact your internal IT department to unblock this before the class.

    What is your Internet download speed?*

    Note: You can test this at

    What is your Internet upload speed?*

    Note: You can test this at

    What is the processor speed of your laptop/computer?*

    Note for Apple: Check by clicking the Apple logo in the top left corner of your screen and clicking 'About This Mac'
    Note for Windows 10 Go to Settings > About.