Enrolment – CQC

    * Required Fields

    Student Details

    This is the name that will appear on your certificate.

    First Name*


    This is the name that you would prefer to be known as in class and communication.

    Preferred Name

    Date of Birth

    Date of Birth*


    Address Line 1*

    Address Line 2



    Post Code*


    Email Address*

    Confirm Email Address*

    Telephone Number*

    SMS Only
    Minicom Only

    Mobile Number*

    SMS Only

    Your tutor will set up a WhatsApp group for you to keep in touch with your peers throughout your course. Would you like to be included in this group?

    Include in group?*

    Emergency Contact

    Contact Name*

    Contact Telephone Number*

    SMS Only
    Minicom Only

    Contact Mobile Number*

    SMS Only

    Special Requirements

    If you have any special requirements (e.g. Dyslexia, Autism, Visual Impairment etc.) that you think might affect your learning/exams, please list them below (please be aware that the exam board may require written proof of this):

    Special Requirements

    Hearing Level*

    Course Options

    Select a course start date*

    Online Membership*

    Online Membership is a mandatory part of your place on the course, as your learning in between lessons depends on the online resources found on our specialised Student Space. (Please note that Online Membership is included in our intense BSL courses.)

    When you enrol with Teach Me Sign you will have access to superb online resources, tests, videos, news, all at the click of a button which will aid you through your learning experience!

    You can access:

    • Online video resources to help you practice your signing
    • Online tests for you to carry out from the comfort of your own home
    • Missed a class? You can catch up online
    • In the unlikely event of Teach Me Sign cancelling a class we will make sure you catch up online!
    • Your tutor can see firsthand where your strengths and weaknesses lay and can help you directly
    • Course news and timetable! Stay up to date with your course
    • We have tailored our student space to be efficient and an invaluable source of addition learning for our students giving you the best possible outcome!

    The membership fee for the duration of the course is £20. Access to the student space is essential for your progress on the course, as this is how you will receive the materials you need to prepare for your course, as well as your homework. If you do not have a student space account, unfortunately you will not be able to join the course.

    Please note your Online Membership will last from the date of payment of your course deposit, until the final date of your course.


    Where did you hear about us?

    Terms and conditions

    Teach Me Sign Ltd.’s Terms and Conditions for British Sign Language Online Students
    Please read the following terms and conditions carefully, then tick to accept. If you would like anything clarified please get in touch with us.

    Teach Me Sign accepts students aged 16 and over for all our British Sign Language courses. Providing where applicable the relevant skills and or certificates are provided.


    If you feel you need additional support, such as large font text hand-outs etc., please inform Teach Me Sign and we will do our best to ensure your needs are met where possible; however, this is not guaranteed.

    Teach Me Sign hold the right to withdraw your place on the course at any time for reasons the tutor, assessor or director finds acceptable.

    Some of Teach Me Sign’s courses will require you to hold previous certificates and candidate ID numbers; failure to provide these if and when asked may result in you being asked to leave your course. You will remain liable to pay in full any outstanding course fees should this occur.

    Your Course Timetable:

    You understand that your course timetable provided is bound to you. Should you no longer wish to carry out your course on your allocated time and day, Teach Me Sign cannot guarantee that such requirements can be met and in which case your agree to forfeit your course. You will remain liable to pay an outstanding fees owed to Teach Me Sign in full and remain liable to continue to pay on the designated dates given to you if you have chosen to pay for your course in instalments.


    You must ensure you have a good quality webcam and an internet connection with a minimum upload speed of 2.0Mbs. You must have a laptop/computer (not an iPad/tablet), that is regularly updated and in good working order. You must also ensure that when studying, you are in a calm and focused environment with minimal distractions so that you do not disturb your peers.


    If you decide that you do not wish to continue your course you will be liable to pay the full amount of your course fees with no exceptions.

    In the event of leaving your course and you have paid in one full instalment, no refund will be given. If you have chosen to pay in instalments, these will still need to be paid on the dates stated on your invoice. The same will apply should your employer or any other external source be paying for your course.

    No refund will be given for your online student account subscription should you decide to leave your course. Your online account will be closed upon your leave.

    You understand that should you leave your course, Teach Me Sign is under no obligation to carry over your place on your course to any future courses without charge. If you wish to enrol on any future courses with Teach Me Sign after leaving an existing course you will need to enrol again and pay for that course.

    Should you leave your British Sign Language course, you cannot replace your space on the course with any other person to continue the remaining time of your course.

    Exam Fees:

    Your examination fees are not included in the Teach Me Sign course fees, and are payable separately. Once the assessment fees have been paid to Teach Me Sign, we will pay the examination fees to the awarding body on your behalf. Teach Me Sign gives you the option to pay the exam fees in one lump sum at the start of your course (which is preferable for those whose employers are paying on their behalf) or as and when you take them. Should you fail any assessments, you will need to retake them and successfully pass all units, in order to gain your certificate from the awarding body. You understand the exam fees are charged separately to your course fees.

    You must pass all of the assessment units for your course to achieve your qualification and certificate. Teach Me Sign cannot guarantee the pass or fail of any exams you take. If you do not successfully complete all the examinations, then you will not receive your qualification/certificate.

    Your exams will be taking place online. It will be your responsibility to ensure you have a fast internet connection and good quality webcam prepared for the date of the exam. In the event of any technical difficulties at your end that prevent the assessment taking place, you may be required to be a fee to reschedule the assessment.

    If you change your mind or miss any of your booked exams, you are still liable to pay the exam fee. Once your exams are booked on your behalf, you are liable to pay the exam fee/s in full to Teach Me Sign. If you fail to arrive to your exam without informing your tutor, you agree to pay £35 to Teach Me Sign for your tutor’s time.

    If you need to postpone your exam date, you must inform your tutor at least one week before the scheduled date. Failure to do so will incur an admin fee to cover the tutor’s time.

    Once your assessments have been booked and finalised with the awarding body, there will be administration fee payable for any changes made to the assessments. You will be liable for any administration fees charged by the awarding body. Changes to assessments in the event of exceptional circumstances, such as illness, will be dealt with under the guidance of the awarding body, who may request evidence.

    The assessment fees are set by the awarding body, and they reserve the right to amend these fees as per their own policy. If the cost changes during your course, you will be required to pay the new fees.

    Should you wish to retake or sit any exams out of the course timetable there may also be additional tutor time fees.

    Please kindly note that Teach Me Sign will aim to accommodate any assessment retakes you may need.

    Retaking an Exam:

    If you should need to resit an exam, you will be required to pay a resit fee to the awarding body, as per their fee policy.

    For all exam retakes, there will be a £35 an hour charge to cover your tutor’s time.


    Should you miss two consecutive lessons and fail to inform your tutor, you automatically waiver your place on your course with no refund owed to you from Teach Me Sign. Teach Me Sign is not required to make up for any lessons you miss for personal reasons. Should you miss a class, online resources will be available via Student Space. If you wish to book a catch up lesson/one-to-one tutorial, you can do so but the tutor will charge an additional fee for their time.

    It is imperative you arrive on time to all your online classes but should you be late you must inform your tutor as soon as possible via SMS or email. If there is need for concern due to lateness or absence Teach Me Sign will contact you and it is your responsibility to respond within five working days, failure to do so may mean you being removed from the course.

    One to One Tutorials:

    If you wish to have a 1:1 session with your tutor, either face-to-face or online, an hourly fee for their time will apply in addition to your course fee and you are liable to pay this in full.

    Making Payments:

    admin@teachmesign.co.uk will be emailing you your invoice for your course along with payment instruction. You are welcome to pay your course fees and exam fees by online banking or BACS transfer.

    All instalments are due on the dates stated on your invoice and must be paid by or on the date stated. You must make the full instalment payment on the date due - you agree to not break down the instalments into smaller payments.

    Late Payment Charges:

    You agree that if your instalment is not paid on the date stated on your invoice, you will pay an additional 5% charge to the value of your course fee, on top of the instalment fee owing. For each month the payment is late, another 5% will be added.

    Failure to make payments on time may result in you being withdrawn from the course with no refund. You will remain liable to pay the remaining due balance to Teach Me Sign in full. Refusal to do may result in legal action being taken against you.

    It is the student's sole responsibility to ensure that payments are received by Teach Me Sign on their due date.

    Photo Agreement:

    I do hereby give Teach Me Sign Ltd their assigns, licenses and legal representatives the irrevocable right to use my name, picture, portrait, photograph, image or voice in all forms and media in all manners, including composite or purpose, and I waive any right to inspect or approve finish product, including written copy, that may be created in connection therewith.

    I also agree that this releases Teach Me Sign Ltd. And any and all of its representatives from any and all monetary obligations or payments to me or any or all of my authorised representatives for use of video, films, photographs, image and/or voice of myself.

    Your Property or Injury:

    Teach Me Sign cannot take any responsibility/liability for any personal property damaged, lost or stolen when you are present in any venues hired by Teach Me Sign at any time. Teach Me Sign cannot be held accountable/liable for any for any replacements or fixtures fees.

    Should you damage or break any of Teach Me Sign’s equipment at any time, you are to be held liable for any replacements or repairs.

    Should you injure yourself or any other person whilst on Teach Me Sign hired premises, Teach Me Sign are not liable to pay any compensation or injury claim.

    Should any accident occur and result in fatality you agree that Teach Me Sign is not liable and will not be expected to pay you or such persons any kind of compensation or any other payment of any form.

    Substitute Teacher:

    Teach Me Sign hold the right to change your teacher/assessor at any given point during your course. Leaving your course because of this reason is not a sufficient reason to leave your course and expect any refund.

    Class Cancellations:

    Teach Me Sign withhold the right to cancel a class with as much notice as possible and will endeavour to make up the missed session.

    Should there be insufficient numbers to carry out a class due to student absence, Teach Me Sign hold the right to cancel that class and will aim to give you as much notice as possible.

    Should people drop out of your course and numbers lower, Teach Me Sign hold the right to alter the start/ending time of your course.

    Teach Me Sign Online Student Space Resources:

    As a Teach Me Sign student, you will be given access to our online learning portal, Student Space. Under no circumstances are you permitted at any given time to use, sell, duplicate or share any such resources. All rights reserved to Teach Me Sign. This applies during your course and after your course has ended. Your login credentials are private and must not be shared with anyone else. Your online student account will be closed upon completion of your course. Breaches to the use of Student Space and the resources may result in withdrawal from your course.

    Conducting Yourself:

    While you are learning with Teach Me Sign, you are expected to carry out appropriate behaviour at all times to ensure a fun and confrontational free learning experience. Racism, sexism, verbal or physical abuse or any other behaviour Teach Me Sign feels is not acceptable will not be tolerated. This will result in you being removed from the course with no refund given and you remain liable to pay any outstanding fees in full to Teach Me Sign.

    Should you have poor attendance on your course you may be asked to leave to ensure the correct balance for the group is delivered.

    You will be asked to leave your class immediately if you arrive to class intoxicated in any form and your place on the course will be reviewed.

    Your Place on the Course:

    Should your tutor discern that you are either struggling on the course or not fully committed to the work, your tutor reserves the right to ask you to leave to course so that the other students are not affected. You will be given a partial refund of the course fee, which will be determined by how many lessons you have been in attendance.

    Special Requirements:

    Should you deem yourself as having special learning requirements (such as Dyslexia, Autism etc.), which may affecting your future exams, you must notify Teach My Sign via the given space on your enrolment form. Teach Me Sign can apply to the awarding body for reasonable adjustments to your assessments; however, the outcome of the reasonable adjustment request lies with the awarding body and Teach Me Sign are not able to overrule this. Failure to notify Teach Me Sign of your requirements upon enrolment may mean that we are unable to make any special adjustments for your exams.

    Food and Drink:

    Please do not eat whilst in learning time. It is very distracting for both you and the tutor and will impact your signing and focus.

    In the event that Teach Me Sign provide you with any food or drink whilst on your course you understand that consumption of that provided is completely at your own risk and Teach Me Sign are not liable for any choking, allergic reactions or any form of sickness or fatalities.


    Should you have any complaints please speak to your tutor directly within the class at an appropriate, private time (preferably in your break) to ensure time is fairly distributed to others in your class. Or please email your complaint via e-mail to Teach Me Sign. Please allow 30 working days for this to be processed and responded to.

    If you wish to make a complaint about any exam material or appeal any assessment results, you should contact Teach Me Sign via email, after which we will follow our procedure for handling complaints.

    Social Media Agreement:

    You agree to refrain from posting any negative or harmful updates and/or comments on all social medias in regards to Teach Me Sign and the awarding body. This is to avoid the spread of misinformation or the damage of reputation. This is also to avoid the spread of confidential information following an exam.

    If you have any genuine concerns, complaints or suggestions, please refer to the paragraph “Complaints/Suggestions”.

    Positive Feedback:

    At the end of your course you may be asked to give feedback to Teach Me Sign. Your feedback may be used in any way Teach Me Sign sees fit and will become the property of Teach Me Sign. You are under no obligation to give feedback.

    Social Media Agreement:

    You agree to refrain from posting any negative or harmful updates and/or comments on all social medias in regards to Teach Me Sign and the awarding body. This is to avoid the spread of misinformation or the damage of reputation. This is also to avoid the spread of confidential information following an exam.

    If you have any genuine concerns, complaints or suggestions, please refer to the paragraph “Complaints/Suggestions”.

    Your Certificate:

    Upon successful completion of your course, the awarding body will post your certificate to Teach Me Sign. A charge for postage and packaging will apply if you would like your certificate delivered. Teach Me Sign cannot accept liability for any damage to your certificate when mailed through the post. If any outstanding fees are owed on your account your certificate will remain with Teach Me Sign until your account is cleared. You may come to an agreed venue to collect your certificate.


    Upon signing this terms and conditions form, you agree that you are enrolled on your desired course with Teach Me Sign. Failure to inform Teach Me Sign at least four weeks before the start date of your course that you no longer wish to pursue the course, will result in you being liable to pay for your course fee in full.

    Staying in Touch:

    Please be aware that Teach Me Sign will be contacting you via email. We ask all students to keep a regular watch over their emails so no communication is missed.

    Teach Me Sign would like to keep you informed with future Teach Me Sign courses and events we think may interest you. Please let us know if you would not like to receive such notifications from Teach Me Sign.

    Thank you for reading Teach Me Sign’s terms and conditions.

    Welcome and enjoy your course!

      Tick here to confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions set out above*

    Privacy Policy Notice

    Teach Me Sign Ltd.’s Privacy Policy Notice

    At Teach Me Sign, we are dedicated to ensuring any personal data we hold is secure and used only for its appropriate purpose. Should we ask you to provide certain information, you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. This Privacy Policy explains 1) what data we collect and 2) how we treat it in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It also explains how we intend to keep your data secure.

    In line with the GDPR guidelines, we will only process your data after your consent or contractual necessity.
    We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page, and therefore we encourage you to check the “Privacy Policy” page every so often to ensure you agree to the changes. This policy is effective from 25/05/2018.

    1) What Data We Collect

    We may collect and process the following personal data that you supply to us, including:

    • Your full name (first and second name).
    • Your date of birth.
    • Your home address (and workplace address if your employer will be paying for your course).
    • Your email address.
    • Your contact telephone number.
    • The name and contact number of your emergency contact.
    • We may collect your ULN (Unique Learner Number), or collect your name, address and date of birth to gain your ULN from the LRS (Learning Records Service).
    • Information that you provide to us when you enquire about joining a course.
    • If enquiring about joining a course, we may collect information on your past qualifications.
    • We may collect sensitive information such as whether you have any special needs or are Deaf/hearing etc. We may request official documentation to prove your special needs.
    • If you provide services to Teach Me Sign, we may collect information on employment history and qualifications.
    • Your username and password for Teach Me Sign’s Student Space.
    • If you contact us, we may keep a record of the correspondence.
    • If you pay for Teach Me Sign services, we will keep a record of what payments you have made.
    • If we pay for your services, we will keep a record of your bank details, and what payment we have made.
    • Providing you have given consent, your photograph may be taken for use in Teach Me Sign’s marketing, website, or course information guides.
    • If we issue you with a refund, we will collect your bank details to make a payment.

    We collect your personal data using enrolment forms for our courses. Supplementary data may be collected via email communication, telephone calls, or face-to-face interaction. You will always be notified when we intend to store your data.

    2) How We Treat Your Data

    We may use the information you have provided in the following ways:

    • To provide you with services that you have requested from Teach Me Sign. For example, connected with registration to a BSL course, or request for a tutorial.
    • To communicate with you in regards to the service.
    • To provide the service to you.
    • Internal record keeping
    • To register you as a student with the relevant exam board.
    • Should you request reasonable adjustments for an exam, we may share sensitive information with the exam board. We may share the official documentation provided by you with the exam board to confirm the validity of your request
    • We may share your information with the exam board should they request it.
    • To gain access to your ULN (Unique Learner Number) from LRS (Learning Records Service).
    • To ensure any accredited qualification you gain from the exam board is valid.
    • To contact you about future courses.
    • To notify you of any important changes to our services.
    • To advise you about events connected with Teach Me Sign.

    We will not sell or license any of your personal information to any third party.

    We may disclose your personal information:

    • To provide you with any services you have purchased if this is necessary.
    • If we are under a duty to disclose your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation.

    When you have a username or password (or other ID information) which enables you to access certain services via our online Student Space, you are responsible for keeping the password confidential. We ask you not to share the password with anyone. We will not share your account information with anyone – if we do we will inform you beforehand.
    Any personal information provided by you is stored on secure, password protected computer systems with up to date anti-virus software. Any physical copies of your data are stored within secured cabinets.

    Please be aware that data sent over the internet is never completely secure. Though we do our best to protect your data, using anti-virus software, we cannot guarantee the safety of the information transmitted. Once we receive your data, we implement strict procedures to ensure data is protected.

    Access to Information

    You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you by contacting us at supportteam@teachmesign.co.uk. You must include documents of identification to verify your identity. Please allow up to 30 working days for a response.

    Please be aware that there may be certain exceptions in which making all information available to you will not be possible; such as when disclosing information would reveal personal data about another person, if we are legally prevented from disclosing such information, or if your request is unreasonable or excessive etc.

    We encourage you to contact us to let us know if any of your personal information is not up to date. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

    You have the right to request that Teach Me Sign delete your personal data where, for example, the information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, where you withdraw your consent to us using your information, or your information has been unlawfully processed. If you would like to request that your personal data be deleted, please contact us at supportteam@teachmesign.co.uk.

    International Data Transfers

    Your personal data will not be transferred to any organisations outside of the European Union. This is to ensure that the level of protection your data has under the GDPR is not undermined.

    Third Parties

    Our website or social medias may contain links to other third-party organisations. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

      Tick here to confirm that you have read and agree to the Privacy Policy Notice set out above*

    Please enter your full name as an electronic signature*